Thursday, June 9, 2011

Post #2 - Asian Mother Expectations

Here I am writing again! I am sincerely happy to just be writing my thoughts once more. My enthusiasm is sometimes uncontainable.

So I am currently at the airport in SD, getting ready to fly to SF. Of course, the flight was delayed by 2 hours, so now I'm sitting in the airport with my little brother. He’s not little though, he’s 6’4” 290. XD He was accepted in to Arizona State as a transfer student, which is awesome. He’ll be majoring in sociology, but he’s taking hard science classes with the intent to apply to phram schools. I’m actually happy, he is the one in the family my mom was worried about the most.

In terms of Asian mother expectations and how we have fared as her children, let’s go down the list:

1.  Our oldest sister was a paralegal for a high level firm before she married a radiologist. (He makes 300k+ a year, so that works out. Mom gives an A)

2. Our middle oldest sister was the rebel. She studied theatre in college…but then she came back to reality and went back for a computer science degree. (Computer programmer/website builder. Mom gives a B+)

3. My youngest older sister is definitely the family favorite. Double major in Bio and history, and she’s an F-18 Fighter Pilot for the US Marine Corps. First vietnamese female to fly F-18’s, and I think jets, ever. Definitely the first vietnamese aviator for the Marines. (My mom has a board with pictures of my sis in her uniform, giving speeches, flying her jet, etc., which she carries around so she can brag to friends. She’s also thinking of going to med school while in the military. So She’s pretty much an A+++)

4. Myself. I majored in Mechanical Engineering. You’d think any engineering would be good enough, but not for mom. She wanted me to go in to computer engineering. I would have, but I don’t like programming. >.> Now I’m attending law school in the fall. Is that good enough? Not really. I guess I was the smartest of all the kids when I was young, and she had hopes that I would be the one to become the doctor. Unfortunately, I don’t think I could handle being a doctor. The thought of dealing with sick and dying people for a living is…too depressing for me? I would literally be sad all day long. Not to mention that I don’t like studying biology. Nope, I’m going to become a patent attorney. Ideally, I would help with alternative energy patents, and help engineers and inventors protect their ideas while promoting technological advancement in the US as a whole. I love formulating arguments, I love writing, I love to help others, and I love learning about new technologies and ideas! So this seems like the perfect route for me. (Some Vietnamese moms would kill to have a son or daughter be an engineering lawyer. Mine wouldn’t. B/B+)

5. My little brother. He was a rebel as a child. He refused to learn math, and I got annoyed trying to teach him because he always forgot how to do problems and didn’t care. (Then again, my teaching methods may not have been the best. Have you ever seen a nine year old try to teach a seven year old algebra? If you were my parents you would have! Only in homeschool lol.) I remember seeing my mom cry some days when he wouldn’t do math. >.> Anyway, after hs he went to UC Irvine for freshman year, but he had a hard time, so he came back to do CC at home. Then his luck turned for the worse. He lost 2 years due to budget cuts, incompetent counselors, and the changing of requirements for admission to SDSU. He’s in better shape now though. He applied to ASU and happened to get in, which is awesome. And he intends to pursue Pharmacy school. By becoming a pharmacist, he will have exceeded my mom’s expectations, and she would be extremely happy. (So If he gets into pharm school, A. If he doesn’t…sad mom.)

I’m ranking myself pretty low, primarily because I am still in school. And I will be saddled with a huge student loan debt. I absolutely want to be at the top of my class, so I will be able to get a high paying job. Because I want to make enough money so that my parents can retire. And I want my parents to buy a house. They’ve worked hard enough, in my opinion. I will have 100% focus, so that I will find that job, and I will send home tons of money so my parents can stop working.
That’s the plan! If successful, that should bring me up to the A+ level. Because then I will be the highest paid son/daughter in the family muahahahahaha.

Anyway, that’s my writing for the day. I am still excited that I can write again, I will think of even more topics to think about in the coming days!

Be Happy!

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